fabric | ch - studio for architecture, interaction & research

Combining experimentation, exhibition and production, fabric | ch formulates new architectural proposals and produces singular livable spaces and installations that link situated and networked landscapes, algorithmic behaviors, environments and technologies.

Since the foundation of the studio, the architects and scientists of fabric | ch have investigated the field of contemporary space in its interaction with technologies. From spatial-computing milieux that blend physical and digital properties, to algorithmic recombinations of locations, temporalities and dimensions based on the objective sensing of their environmental data, it is the nature of our relationship to the environment and to contemporary space that is rephrased.

The work of fabric | ch deals with issues related to the mediation of our relationship to place and distance, to automated climatic, informational and energetic exchanges, to mobility and post-globalization, all inscribed in a perspective of spatial interbreeding, digital materialism and sustainability.

fabric | ch is currently composed of Christian Babski, Stéphane Carion, Christophe Guignard and Patrick Keller (cofounders of the collective), Keumok Kim and Michael Chablais.


Complete résumé [2023 - 1999, pdf]
Publications [screen & paper], Exhibitions, Talks [selection, on f | rblg]
Follow fabric | ch on Mastodon, Linktree, Vimeo, Academia, and f | rblg