RealRoom(s), 2005
RealRoom(s), architectural study for the Nestlé World Headquarters
Existing situations - RealRoom(s) network - Inside RealRoom(s) - Inserted RealRoom(s)
fabric | ch


fabric | ch, electronic architecture

fabric | ch, was founded in 1997 by two architects (Christophe Guignard and Patrick Keller), a telecom engineer (Stéphane Carion) and a computer engineer (Dr Christian Babski) to become a studio for architectural and technological research.

Through its architecture projects, fabric | ch questions the relationship we maintain with our habitat, our workspace, our living environment, inviting us to evolve in a contemporary space which combines physical and digital territories, "hard" and "soft" spaces.

If initially fabric | ch’s practice and research focused primarily on the exploration of electronic territories (networks, data environments, Web) and generated architectures, if this practice led to make tangible these non material territories and thus sought to mix the universe of bit with that of atom, today it tends more to physicality, embracing concepts such as temporality and time zones, climate and air-conditioning, terrestrial rotation and illumination.

Through these various approaches and phases of work, one topic, however, remains central: information, within the meaning of information sciences, in their relations to sciences of energy and the utopia of cybernetics. In this contemporary space where almost everything, from text to genome, from image to energy, can be described as code and algorithm, the concept of information becomes ambient. The environment and its various states consequently become variable, transportable, transmissible, global or multipliable.

Thus, the work of fabric | ch extends on a widened space spectrum (material – non material, visible – invisible, habitable – uninhabitable, located – distributed, unique – ubiquitous) and seeks to formulate new possibilities of existence of the architectural object.
References [PDF - 80KB]