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RealRoom(s), 2005
RealRoom(s), architectural study for the Nestlé World Headquarters
Existing situations - RealRoom(s) network - Inside RealRoom(s) - Inserted RealRoom(s)
fabric | ch


Peripheral Architecture for the Nestlé World Headquarters

RealRoom(s) is an experimental architectural project for the Nestlé World Headquarters in Vevey (Switzerland). This project proposes to insert a series of spatial entities into the air conditioned intermediary areas at the very heart of the building. The RealRoom(s), informed by atomic clocks, luminosity, heat, pressure and humidity sensors, are distributed in a regular framework across a space representing the entire globe (one RealRoom per time zone, on 0°, +/-30°, +/-60° and +/-90° latitude). These RealRoom(s), connected permanently, directly recreate in an artificial but perceptible way, a global "terrestrial spatiality" fitting to the scale of Nestlé in 2005.

With RealRoom(s), fabric | ch's intention is to propose new modes of architectural "presence", in a contemporary space which is not uniquely material and localized, but whose spatial spectrum covers a much wider field: from material to non material, from visible to invisible, from habitable to uninhabitable, from located to distributed, from unique to ubiquitous.
